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Routers are a fundamental and essential part of the Nixle framework. They allow you to register routes and define the logic to handle incoming requests.


Nixle currently supports only JSON bodies. Support for other body types will be added in future updates.


To create a router, you need to use the createRouter function.

import { createRouter } from 'nixle';

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route }) => [
  route.get('/', () => 'Hello World!'),


To use a router, you need to pass it to the routers array when creating an application.

import { createApp } from 'nixle';
import { usersRouter } from './usersRouter';

  routers: [usersRouter],

Connect it to createApp and try to send a request to the /users path.

  .then((res) => res.text())

// Hello World!


Simple router

You can register simple routes by using the route object. The route object provides methods for different HTTP methods such as get, post, delete, etc. You can define the route path and the corresponding handler function to handle incoming requests for that route.

import { createRouter } from 'nixle';

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route }) => [
  route.get('/', () => 'Hello World!'),

Routes and services

You can use services in routes by using the returned function from the createService function.

import { createRouter, createService } from 'nixle';

const usersService = createService('users', () => {
  const getUsers = () => {
    return ['John', 'Jane'];

  return { getUsers };

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route }) => [
  route.get('/', () => {
    const users = await usersService().getUsers();

    return users;


Simple route

Simple routes are the most common type of routes. They allow you to register a route and define the logic to handle incoming requests.

import { createRouter } from 'nixle';

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route }) => [
  route.get('/', () => 'Hello World!'),

Route as an object

import { createRouter } from 'nixle';

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route }) => [
  route.get('/', {
    handler: () => 'Hello World!',


In each route, you can use context parameters to get information about the request.

Available parameters:

  • params - URL parameters (e.g. /users/:id)
  • body - Request body (for now supports only JSON)
  • query - Query parameters (e.g. /users?name=John)
  • url - Request URL
  • method - Request method
  • getCookie - Function to get cookie
  • setCookie - Function to set cookie
  • getHeader - Function to get header
  • setHeader - Function to set header
  • headers - Request headers
import { createRouter } from 'nixle';

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route }) => [
    ({ params, body, query, url, method, getCookie, setCookie, getHeader, setHeader, headers }) => {
      return 'Hello World!';


You can validate the request body by using the validate method. For example, you can use the @nixle/zod plugin to validate the request information.

import { createRouter } from 'nixle';

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route, zodObject }) => ['/:id', {
    paramsValidation: zodObject((z) => ({
      id: z.string(),
    queryValidation: zodObject((z) => ({
      page: z.string(),
    bodyValidation: zodObject((z) => ({
      name: z.string(),
    handler: () => 'Hello World!',


You can use middlewares to execute code before the route handler. Context parameters are the same as in the route handler.

import { createRouter, StatusCode, createError, createMiddleware } from 'nixle';

const auth = createMiddleware('auth', async ({ getHeader }) => {
  const token = getHeader('Authorization');

  // Or you can use some library to verify the token

  if (!token) {
    throw createError('Unauthorized', StatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED);

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route, log }) => [
  route.get('/', {
    middlewares: [auth],
    handler: () => 'Hello World!',


Guards are used to protect routes. They are executed before the route handler. If the guard returns an error, the route handler will not be executed.

import { createRouter, StatusCode, createError, createGuard } from 'nixle';

const authGuard = createGuard('auth', async ({ getHeader }) => {
  const token = getHeader('Authorization');

  // Or you can use some library to verify the token

  if (!token) {
    throw createError('Unauthorized', StatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED);

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', {
  guards: [authGuard],
  routes: ({ route, log }) => [route.get('/', () => 'Hello World!')],

Or you can use the guards property in the route object.

export const usersRouter = createRouter('/users', ({ route, log }) => [
  route.get('/', {
    guards: [authGuard],
    handler: () => 'Hello World!',