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Nixle provides a simple way to throw exceptions.


To throw an exception in Nixle, you can use the createError function. This function accepts a string as the message and an optional second parameter as the status code or an object with the following properties:

  • message - A string with additional information. Example: You are unauthorized!.
  • statusCode - An HTTP status code. Example: 401. You can use the StatusCode enum from nixle.
  • code - Custom error code. Example: USER_UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR.
  • details - An object with additional details. Example: { userId: 1 }.


To set the status code, you can use the StatusCode enum.

import { createError, StatusCode } from 'nixle';

export const usersService = createService(() => {
  const getUsers = async () => {
    if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
      if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
        throw createError('You are unauthorized!');
      } else {
        throw createError('You are unauthorized!', StatusCode.FORBIDDEN);
    } else {
      throw createError({
        message: 'You are unauthorized!',
        statusCode: StatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED,
        details: { userId: 1 },

    // This code will never be executed.
    return ['John', 'Jane'];

  return { getUsers };

Check error

To check an error, you can use the isNixleError function. This function takes an error and returns a boolean.

import { createService, createError, isNixleError } from 'nixle';

const usersService = createService('users', () => {
  const getUsers = async () => {
    try {
      throw createError('You are unauthorized!');
    } catch (error) {
      if (isNixleError(error)) {
        // Handle Nixle error.
      } else {
        // Handle another error.

  return { getUsers };